Family Day at the Kendall County Fair


Have you ever felt tired in a good way? You know, where your eyes are heavy, body is tender, and yet your heart is so full? That’s the way I feel right now. And it’s heavenly. My kitchen is a hot mess, there are toys all over my living room floor, and my dog is in desperate need of a bath… all of which would usually bother me, but right now, in this moment, I’m just so content and at peace that it doesn’t really matter. It will all be done tomorrow. And I have the Kendall County Fair in Boerne, TX to thank for it.

If you’re not familiar (which, let’s be honest you’re probably not) the Kendall County Fair is an annual event celebrating Boerne heritage, agriculture, and livestock from Kendall County and the surrounding hill country. It’s purpose is to educate, encourage, and develop farming and ranching in line with modern advancements as an educational and social institution. Oh, and there is also FOOD. Lots and lots of delicious, greasy, fair ground food.



In addition to culinary indulgences and showcasing the achievements of the rich and vibrant farming community, there is also a parade, live music, performances by dance groups and local schools, and a carnival with rides and funnel cake. It’s the ultimate small town celebration like what you see in movies and TV shows. Our two year old son spent the entire day wide-eyed in amazement at all of the different sights, sounds, and smells. It really was a joy to get to watch him experience something special and out of the ordinary.

Watching my son at the fair reminded me a lot of my youth. I have the best memories of going to events like Wurstfest and the annual Strawberry Festival. Only now I get to relive these moments from the perspective of parent. It’s definitely surreal, but it’s also a wonderful affirmation that David and I are on the path we want to be on as parents. We are making a conscious commitment to build memories of value with our children, even if they may not remember most of it. It’s the warm feelings we want to leave imprinted upon them.

Being out in the hot sun, drinking fresh squeezed lemonade, and eating turkey legs and schnitzel was the best way we’ve spent a Saturday in a long time. What about you? Do you have any family traditions or events you’re looking forward to celebrating? I’d love to know ❤


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