Whole30 for Rosacea & PCOS

Hello. My name is Kristin and I’m a sugar addict…

Whole30 for PCOS & Rosacea
Full Disclosure: I took this picture back in March during my first attempt at Whole30…

I’m also currently on Day 7 of the Whole30 challenge.

I love pastry, pie, dark chocolate, and a gratuitous amount of coffee creamer in my morning cup of jo. I’ve never once questioned these dietary choices, because I’ve always been athletic, a healthy weight, and tended to pair my indulgences with “healthy” food options.

So why am I doing a complete 180 and ditching all the foods I love in favor of a trendy diet? For pretty much the same reasons as most people who find their way to the Whole30 community: I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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